Helping Hands
Tamilnadu Volleyball association face a number of challenges that require long-term solutions and the participation of various stakeholders to implement them. Improving volleyball sports in Tamilnadu, increasing community health and wellness, and fulfilling the needs of the players and clubs. The Central and State Government allocated funds will not be sufficient for satisfying the needs in our hands. Tamilnadu volleyball Association looking for helping hands from the private sector through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities / efforts.
How CSR can help Volleyball sports ?
Volleyball is one of the games, not much popular in India and there are a lot of attention needed to develop in urban and rural areas of Tamilnadu.
your CSR fund can help to improve the infrastructure of the Volleyball court needs across TamilNadu.
What are all the options we have to help Volleyball Association ?
You can contribute multiple ways, see the needs of the association below.
Infrastructure - Formation , Creation and Maintenance in Rural
Volleyball has become the most loved and played game among the rural people. Many of the Players who got the recognition all over the world from India, especially from Tamilnadu, are hailed from rural and remote areas of the State but now the interest among the rural players have come down as they didn’t get the opportunity to show off their talents owing to lack of infrastructure. Considering the future and lives of talented players hailing at rural areas, we have come up with this project for forming , creating , upgrading and maintaining Volleyball Courts in rural.
Sl No | Type of Volleyball Court | Category | Planned / Per Year |
1 | Normal Volleyball Court | Creation Maintanence |
4 |
2 | Flood Light for existing court | Upgradation Maintanence |
4 |
3 | Semi-Indoor Court | Creation Maintanence |
2 |
4 | Beach Volleyball Court | Creation Maintanence |
4 |
* Creation of Volleyball Court - one time investment
* Maintanence Cost - Yearly basis
Rural Volleyball Academy for Boys and Girls
In order to build up competency of budding outstanding volleyball players who are progressing for the advance level of training to hone their skills are admitted in the Academy, that are planned to be set up at the zone levels. This Academy will be equipped with the state of facilities and equipment with scientific back up along with specialized training. Highly qualified and well experienced Professional Coach will be appointed to take up regular skill development coaching camps for outstanding boys and girls , who had performed well in the District, State and National Championship. The trainees are provided with upgraded boarding and lodging facilities, Sports Kit, competition exposure and medical coverage. Totally 5 Centre of Excellence have been planned to set up at East , West , North, South and Central respectively. The budget for establishing the Academy to nurture the future National and International Players are as follows:
Sl No | Particulars | Expense / Per Year |
1 | Boarding Expenses per Player | 24 Players |
2 | Sports Kit per Player | 24 Players |
3 | Competition Exposure | 24 Players |
4 | Medical Expenses | 24 Players |
5 | Lodging Expenses | |
6 | Modern Training Equipment 1. Ball Serving Machine 2. Attacking Machine 3. Blocker Machine 4. Other Training equipments |
7 | Skill Development Camps 1. Sub-Junior 2. Junior 3. Youth 4. Senior |
8 | Coaches Remuneration | 12 Months |
9 | Semi-Indoor Volleyball Court |
* Total expense is for an year
Appointment of Certified Professional Coaches in Rural
A large pool of talented budding players, who are inherited with strong physical ability in nature are playing Volleyball without Professional Volleyball Coaches. All their interests, efforts, and sacrifices are goes in vain and slowly evades away from the shadow of Volleyball as they can’t progress to the next levels in the game. In order to keep the rural players high spirited and also concerning the important role of Professional Coaches to keep them so, the appointment of Certified Coaches in inevitable.
Sl No | Plan Description | No. Of Coaches | Duration (Month) |
1 | Skill enhancement | 6 | 12 |
Volleyball comes under CSR approved game list ?
Yes, as per Govt Of India CSR Act Section 135 (Schedule VII) it is approved sports.